Louise Brearley Messer ANZSPD Post-Graduate Essay Competition

The ANZSPD Post-Graduate Essay Competition is named in recognition of the great contribution made by ANZSPD Federal Life Member Emeritus Professor Louise Brearley Messer AM in Teaching, Research and Administration in Paediatric Dentistry. This competition invites post-graduate Paediatric Dentistry students from Australia and New Zealand to submit essays on a given topic, aiming to encourage academic excellence and interest in the field of paediatric dentistry.

2024 Louise Brearley Messer ANZSPD Post-Graduate Essay Competition

TOPIC: 2024 – Access to GA – why is this an issue now and comparison globally. Alternative strategies to managing behaviour?

ELIGIBILITY: Paediatric Dentistry post-graduate students who are currently enrolled in a Doctorate, Masters or a Post Graduate Clinical Diploma in a Paediatric Dentistry program at an Australian or New Zealand Dental School.

PRIZE: AUD$2,500.00 (or equivalent in New Zealand Dollars). The prize winning essay will be published in “Synopses”, the newsletter of ANZSPD Inc.

DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION: Friday 4th October 2024

SUBMISSION: Essays to be submitted by email to the Federal Secretary of ANZSPD Inc. fed.secretary@anzspd.org.au.

Receipt of your entry will be acknowledged by return email. If a receipt email is not received, please send a further email to fed.secretary@anzspd.org.au and/or carmell@westnet.com.au.

General Conditions and Notes

  • Essays should be initially submitted to the appropriate undergraduate or postgraduate course coordinator as a word processing document in one of the following formats (doc, docx, rtf).
  • The course coordinator will submit the best undergraduate essay, and all suitable postgraduate essays from their Dental School as email attachments to the Federal Secretary via email, with a note of support
  • Essays, which are to be submitted by email, must not exceed 3,000 words with a maximum of 50 references. Essays must only be the work of individual candidates. Bibliographic style should follow that of the Australian Dental Journal. They should be typewritten and double spaced.
  • No names or identifying marks should appear within the essays. The candidate’s name, home address, email address and University name should appear on a separate page to the remainder of the essay.
  • Essays will be coded for anonymity and sent to two judges. The two judges will be appointed by the Federal Council of ANZSPD Inc. The decision of the judges will be final.
  • The winner will be announced by Friday 15th November 2024. All participants will be advised of the result by mail or email.
  • The prize winner will be expected to have their winning essay published in the newsletter of ANZSPD Inc. “Synopses”.

Past Winners

Louise Brearley Messer ANZSPD Postgraduate Essay Competition

2024 Winner

Dr Amy Chen

University of Otago

TOPIC: Access to GA – why is this an issue now and comparison globally. Alternative strategies to managing behaviour?

2023 Winner

Dr Lyndon Abbott

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: E-cigarettes – effects, considerations and how do we educate parents and teens?

2022 Winner

Dr Caitlin Hurley

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: Discuss the dental implications of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease in children and how these might be managed.

2021 Winner

Dr Asika Lathif

The University of Sydney

TOPIC: Paediatric Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is considered the most severe in the spectrum of sleep disordered breathing and affects up to 1-4% of children. Discuss the role of the dental professional in proper screening, diagnosis and earlier treatment of paediatric obstructive sleep apnoea.

2020 Winner

Dr Amanda Leske

The University of Melbourne

TOPIC: Discuss the indications for using cone beam CT radiography to all aspects of paediatric oral assessment and management compared to traditional radiographic investigations. Where CBCT is indicated, what are the barriers or precautions to be considered in obtaining these images as the first line investigation?.

2019 Winner

Dr Jana Nikolovski

The University of Sydney

TOPIC: We are into a new era in which parental-based research from internet searches and social media exposure is having a significant influence on what oral health care services they are wanting their children to receive. Discuss examples of services that may be requested by parents from you based on their research that may be deemed alternative to conventional oral health care practice. How you would approach each of these situations? Include in your answer evidence for and against both alternative and conventional treatment option outcomes.

2018 Winner

Dr Vanessa Cho

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: A new class of anticoagulant drugs, the new oral anticoagulants or NOAC’s, have begun to play a role in the management of thrombotic diseases. Discuss: (1) Thrombotic disease in children and whether there may be a place for NOAC’s in the management of these children, and (2) The dental management of patients on anticoagulants and how this would need to be altered for any children taking NOAC’s.

2017 Winner

Dr Greg Celine

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: Over the last decade, endodontic treatment has changed significantly with access to technologies including NiTi files, reciprocating motors and advanced obturation techniques and materials. Discuss the application of this advance to primary dentition endodontics, indications and contra indications and alternate treatment modalities.

2016 Winner

Dr Maansi Juneja

The University of Sydney

TOPIC: Over the last five years there has been increasing awareness of the role of the labial and lingual frenulae on a neonate’s attachment and efficiency during nursing. Discuss the oral physiology of a baby nursing, factors that can decrease a baby’s ability to nurse efficiently and problems these cause. Also discuss management options and the possible relation between poor nursing efficacy and the risk of early childhood caries.

2015 Winner

Dr Chaturi Neboda

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: Discuss tooth coloured crowns in the primary dentition: Developments, improvements and limitations

2014 Winner

Dr Rana Yawary

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: Discuss the management of the oral biofilm in paediatric dental patients

2015 Winner

Dr Chaturi Neboda

The University of Western Australia

TOPIC: Discuss tooth coloured crowns in the primary dentition: Developments, improvements and limitations

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